Empco, Inc. specializes in testing and consulting services for public safety and municipal government agencies. Founded in 1985 in Troy, Michigan, Empco has grown into a nationally recognized company. Empco’s mission is to provide trusted, customized employment testing, assessment and consulting services to governmental agencies.
Empco offers a variety of entry level and promotional examination and assessment services for positions within the public sector. These services include written exams, oral boards, and assessment centers.
Examinations are available for entry level and promotional positions in Police, Sheriff, Public Safety, Fire Service, and Municipal agencies. Empco can provide standardized selection materials, or can develop an entry level or promotional selection process specifically designed for your agency. Our examination processes are valid, reliable, defensible and fair. We develop customized testing processes for agencies of every size. Empco prides itself on customer service and the ability to assist our clients in deciding the best process for selecting and promoting candidates that meet the individual needs of the agencies we work with and their budgets.
In addition to working with individual agencies, we also facilitate cooperative hiring consortiums for Police, Sheriff, and Fire Service agencies to help recruit and hire qualified candidates who bring integrity to the job.
Empco utilizes experts in municipal government, law enforcement, fire service management and organizational behavior to develop our selection and promotional processes. This unique combination of skill sets allows us to develop testing and assessments for agencies to hire and promote the best candidates through all ranks in the agency.