Empco offers three types of written examinations for various ranks in law enforcement, corrections, fire service and public safety. Written exams consist of multiple-choice questions anchored in study materials.
Off-the-Shelf Examinations
Off-the-shelf examinations were developed after conducting a job analysis for each position and rank in law enforcement and fire services. These examinations are validated and used by a large number of departments nationally. These examinations are job-related, reliable, and content-valid. They are composed of 100 multiple-choice questions with four possible answers – one correct, and three incorrect. Questions are taken from texts appropriate for the rank/position being tested. A bibliography (study guide) listing the texts from which all questions are authored is provided to test takers, allowing them time to study for the examination. Off-the-shelf examinations are available at a lower cost and are constructed to be used by departments across the country. Empco also offers a Michigan-based line of law enforcement exams that include Michigan law.

Tailored Examinations
Tailored examinations also offer a cost-effective approach to testing, while allowing your department to choose the texts that will be used to develop the examination. We will develop your tailored examination from the texts you choose. You may select the book, specific chapters in the book, or specific subject matter from the book for your examination. These examinations are job-related, reliable, and content-valid. Since each examination is developed for a specific department, each examination is unique. A bibliography (study guide) listing the texts from which all questions are authored is provided to test takers, allowing them time to study for the examination. Tailored examinations can be developed for every rank/position.
Customized Examinations
Customized examinations are the same as tailored examinations, with the addition of questions authored from your department’s rules, regulations, policies, procedures, guidelines, contracts, etc. These examinations are job-related, reliable, and content-valid. Since each examination is developed for a specific department, each examination is unique. A bibliography (study guide) listing the texts from which all questions are authored is provided to test takers allowing them time to study for the examination. A customized examination can be developed for every rank/position.